One of the BBB’s highlights from 2003 was our concert in the famed “Schusterhäusl” München-Germering, organized by Cobblers Irish Pub. With 110 ticket reservations, it turned out a full house! A BIG DANKE! to everyone who turned up. The concert was also enthusiastically received by the local press and Willi Rodrian of Radio Lora 92,5s’ “Folkfenster” has reviewed the evenings performance complete with photos at this address: So please take a look. It’s in Deutsch of course! (Some of our non-English speaking ‘fans’ask why don’t we translate this ‘ere website into Deutsch?…….er…..good question…..If there’s a volunteer out there then please step forward). Until then, the above address is a good place to start if you’re looking for info about us in German.,
With all the depressing events and headlines in the world news, we’re proud to say that we have a job dedicated to making people happy! (Well, that’s the aim of it!) Which we feel we accomplish with a high rate of success, OK! we’re sorry to that bloke in the pub the other night who requested “Country Roads”….. but Paul says he had a sore throat and Suzanne said she didn’t know the ‘middle bit’!? You can enhance your happiness (and ours) by buying our Fab CD “Mere Morsels” available at our gigs or by writing to us and begging for one.